
« Brewer, Leigh Richmond Brewster, Chauncey Bunce Brewster, William »

Brewster, Chauncey Bunce

BREWSTER, CHAUNCEY BUNCE: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Connecticut; b. at Windham, Conn., Sept. 5, 1848. He was educated at Yale College (B.A., 1868) and Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. (1872). He was a tutor at Yale in 1870–71, was ordered deacon in 1872, and was advanced to the priesthood in the following year. He was curate of St. Andrew's, Meriden, Conn., in 1872, and was then rector in succession of Christ Church, Rye, N. Y. (1873–81), Christ Church, Detroit, Mich. (1881–85), Grace Church, Baltimore (1885–88), and Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights (1888–97). In 1897 he was consecrated bishop-coadjutor of Connecticut, and became bishop in 1899. His theological position is that of a High-churchman with liberal sympathies. He has written The Key of Life (New York, 1894); Aspects of Revelation (1901; the Baldwin lectures for 1900); and The Catholic Ideal of the Church (1904).

« Brewer, Leigh Richmond Brewster, Chauncey Bunce Brewster, William »
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